U.S.S. Scully, S.T.M.P. era ship

This is the Third of a three model starship commission build. 

This model is based on Bill Krause’s design, the Wasp-intercepor, and is the USS Scully, a Wasp variant, 

( you can see Bill’s build thread here )

The basis for the model kit is the 1:1000 scale Enterprise A by Polar Lights. The saucer is the only kit part used, the engines, main bridge and deflector are after-market parts. They can be ordered through Federation Models. The rest of the model is scratch built. The decals are a mix of kit and custom printed sets.

The USS Scully is the remaining model of the trio. The USS Skinner & USS Mulder builds can be viewed on their own pages.

As you can guess, the theme for these builds is ‘The X-Files’

USS Scully

USS Scully










USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully




































USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully






























USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully




































USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully

USS Scully